Puerto Rico
The 16th IFHP Young Film & Video Creators’ Competition will be held at the congress in Puerto Rico. The two specific topics for the competition are: |
1. Invisible walls within the city. Young creative filming talent is invited to tell stories about invisible boundaries, barriers and walls within modern cities and shed light on abandoned, silenced and walled off parts of modern urban life and tell stories that would otherwise have been ignored.
2. The city of hidden faces. Our cities are buzzing with a prodigious variety of foreign languages and unusual accents. Newcomers, illegal immigrants, migrant workers, infant refugees and homeless youth seem to be a side-product of a globalized world. New urban solutions and housing developments often reflect the urgent necessities of shifting social reality as well as the changing faces of modern city life. Young creators are invited to face the reality of a swiftly evolving world by addressing in an authentic and daring way new cultural, social and urban developments within contemporary townscapes.